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Curious about what the future has in store? ADI is here to help! Engage with our intelligent fortune-telling system in a variety of ways. Each section includes popular topics along with frequently asked questions. However, if your specific question isn’t listed, feel free to type it out, and ADI will respond.
Choose from popular topics and questions, select your preferred divination methods, or simply ask a question in your own words. The choice is entirely yours!
Accessing ADI's Services
To begin your journey, you’ll need to register with AI Fortune Insight. This registration step is essential, as the details you provide lay the groundwork for your personalised readings. If you've changed your name, be sure to enter your birth name, as certain techniques, like numerology, rely on it. Should any of your details change, you can update them by selecting Change other details in the menu under your name in the header. Here, you can also change your password, delete your account, and log out as needed.
Our services run on a coin system, with the number of coins required ranging from 1 to 8, depending on the reading’s complexity. Once you register and create an account, you’ll receive 7 free coins to explore ADI’s vast array of insights. When your coins run out, you can easily purchase more to continue your exploration.
While ADI offers access to over 500 popular questions, keep in mind that a reading can only be performed if you have sufficient coins.
How to use : Discover Your Future
On the homepage, you’ll find five sections to explore. When you click on ASK ADI, our AI marvel blends age-old wisdom with cutting-edge technology to deliver the most insightful answers imaginable. Drawing on centuries of mystical knowledge from a range of fortune-telling techniques, ADI uses advanced AI to analyse patterns and uncover hidden truths—tailored just for you. The methods available in this section include Japanese Zodiac, Horoscope, Numerology, Palmistry, Physiognomy, Tarot card, Oracle card, I Ching, Runes and Biorhythms. To find more about each method, please refer to the methods page.
ASK ADI is the most flexible reading method, allowing you to even withhold your private information from ADI, so that you can ask ADI to create readings purely based on your face or hands. It might be interesting to know what ADI thinks of your age or beauty level based purely on your face. You could even use the hands and faces of another person for the readings. Why not try various combination to discover the reading style that suits you best? Please note that if you without your private information, you will not be able to combine numerology, horoscope, biorhythms and Japanese Zodiac as these require your personal details.
In the Compatibility section, you’ll need to add details about the individuals you’d like compatibility assessed with. This could be a romantic interest, family member, colleague, or anyone you’re curious about. Ever wondered how compatible you are with your favourite movie star? Why not put it to the test? Add their details in the Compatibility section, and let ADI work its magic! With a blend of advanced AI and mystical techniques, you might just uncover a surprising cosmic connection! The more information you provide about the person, the more precise ADI’s insights become. Please note that each person added will incur a charge of 2 coins. ADI combines a variety of fortune-telling techniques to generate answers that even the most seasoned human fortune-tellers might miss.
If you have a preferred style of reading, you can select from Tarot Card Reading, Face Reading (Physiognomy), and Palm Reading (Chiromancy/Palmistry).
Tarot card readings are among the most popular methods, with six of the most widely used spread techniques available to choose from in this section.
Face Reading and Palm Reading require photographs for accurate results. Please upload clear images of your face and hands. Each of these sections requires 3 coins to upload photos, but you’ll only need to provide them once unless you’d like to update them.
Main Control Explained

The main control panel appears at the bottom of the screen when you're requesting a reading. The top box shows the PC version and the side box shows the mobile device version. Each function is detailed below:
1. Select your preferred divination methods and any private details you wish to include. Note: private details are necessary for Horoscope, Biorhythms, Japanese Zodiac, and Numerology readings.
2. Audio control for listening to ADI's.
3. Displays the coins required, which may vary based on the complexity of your question and the number of divination methods selected.
4. Shows the number of coins remaining.
5. Menu for selecting the question topic.
6. Menu for selecting specific questions.
7. Displays the chosen question or any custom text you enter. If you type your own question, you can skip using the menus in sections 5 and 6.
8. Send button to submit your question to ADI.
9. Message box indicating ADI's current status.

Other Controls
There is a music note icon at the top, which you can click to stop the background music. Each reading can be rated to help ADI improve responses, copied for easy sharing, and even spoken aloud by clicking the icon and using the speech control. ADI is also multi-lingual. The services are available in 5 languages, which are accessible from the language menu at the top. These cover over 50% of the world's population.
Using 'Past Readings' section, you can view previous readings by ADI between two dates. You can rate the previous and current readings between 1 and 5 stars. The rating helps ADI to learn your satisfaction level.
Each day, you get a free fortune cookie message which will appear in the top menu section. Click the icon to read the message of the day by ADI.
So why hesitate? Delve in and uncover the secrets the universe holds for you!